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Workflow with Nanonets
1. Click on Workflow Setup
From the files page on your model, go to the navigation bar on the left and click on Workflow > Workflow Setup

2. Click on Enhance data
To skip to the data enhancement section, click on Enhance data on the top left

3. Click on Add a new step

4. Select the Action
Search for and select the formatter or action block your want to add.

5. Click on the Card
Click on the card to set up the block you just added.

6. IMPORTANT: Select the field to format
Under the Apply to field dropdown, you will see the list of fields on your model. Select any of these to apply the formatter to.

7. Complete the steps for setup
For a date formatter, select the regional date format your documents will have

8. Click on Done
For a date formatter, select the desired date format you want the dates converted to