No |
Field |
Description |
1 |
bank_account_number |
The bank account number of the seller. |
2 |
bank_address |
The address of the bank where the seller's account is held. |
3 |
bank_name |
The name of the bank where the seller's account is held. |
4 |
buyer_address |
The address of the buyer. |
5 |
buyer_attention_to |
The name or title of the person to whom the invoice is addressed. |
6 |
buyer_city |
The city where the buyer is located. |
7 |
buyer_country |
The country where the buyer is located. |
8 |
buyer_email |
The email address of the buyer. |
9 |
buyer_latitude |
The latitude of the buyer's location. |
10 |
buyer_longitude |
The longitude of the buyer's location. |
11 |
buyer_name |
The name of the buyer.s |
12 |
buyer_phone |
The phone number of the buyer. |
13 |
buyer_postal_code |
The postal or ZIP code of the buyer's location. |
14 |
buyer_state |
The state or province of the buyer's location. |
15 |
buyer_vat_number |
The VAT (value-added tax) number of the buyer. |
16 |
client_id |
The ID of the client.s |
17 |
currency |
The currency in which the invoice is billed. |
18 |
iban |
The IBAN (international bank account number) of the seller. |
19 |
ifsc_code |
The IFSC (Indian Financial System Code) of the seller's bank. |
20 |
interest_rate_past_due |
The interest rate that applies to past-due payments. |
21 |
invoice_amount |
The total amount of the invoice. |
22 |
invoice_date |
The date on which the invoice is issued. |
23 |
invoice_number |
The unique number or code that identifies the invoice. |
24 |
logo |
The logo of the seller's company. |
25 |
net_d |
The number of days after which the invoice is due. |
26 |
order_date |
The date on which the order was placed. |
27 |
payment_due_date |
The date by which the payment is due. |
28 |
payto_name |
The name of the recipient of the payment. |
29 |
po_number |
The purchase order number associated with the invoice. |
30 |
rounding |
The rounding amount applied to the invoice. |
31 |
seller_address |
The address of the seller. |
32 |
seller_attention_to |
The name or title of the person to whom the invoice is addressed. |
33 |
seller_city |
The city where the seller is located. |
34 |
seller_country |
The country where the seller is located. |
35 |
seller_email |
The email address of the seller. |
36 |
seller_fax_number |
The fax number of the seller. |
37 |
seller_latitude |
The latitude of the seller's location. |
38 |
seller_longitude |
The longitude of the seller's location. |
39 |
seller_name |
The name of the seller.s |
40 |
seller_phone |
The phone number of the seller. |
41 |
seller_postal_code |
The postal or ZIP code of the seller's location. |
42 |
seller_state |
The state or province of the seller's location. |
43 |
seller_vat_number |
The VAT (value-added tax) number of the seller. |
44 |
seller_website |
The website URL of the seller. |
45 |
service_end_date |
The end date of the service period covered by the invoice. |
46 |
service_start_date |
The start date of the service period covered by the invoice. |
47 |
shipment_date |
The date on which the shipment was made. |
48 |
shipto_address |
The address of the person or entity to whom the shipment is sent. |
49 |
shipto_attention_to |
The name or title of the person to whom the shipment is addressed. |
50 |
shipto_city |
The city where the shipment is sent. |
51 |
shipto_country |
The country where the shipment is sent. |
52 |
shipto_latitude |
The latitude of the location where the shipment is sent. |
53 |
shipto_longitude |
The longitude of the location where the shipment is sent. |
54 |
shipto_name |
The name of the person or entity to whom the shipment is sent. |
55 |
shipto_postal_code |
The postal or ZIP code of the location where the shipment is sent. |
56 |
shipto_state |
The state or province of the location where the shipment is sent. |
57 |
subtax_% |
The percentage rate of the sub-total tax applied to the invoice. |
58 |
subtax_amount |
The amount of the sub-total tax applied to the invoice. |
59 |
subtax_name |
The name of the sub-total tax applied to the invoice. |
60 |
subtotal |
The subtotal amount of the invoice, excluding any taxes or other charges. invoice. |
61 |
swift |
The SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication) code of the seller's bank. |
62 |
total_due_amount |
The total amount due on the invoice, including any taxes or other charges. invoice. |
63 |
total_tax |
The total amount of tax applied to the invoice. |
64 |
total_tax_% |
The percentage rate of the total tax applied to the invoice. |